Archive | April, 2014

Save Getu

Bad news about potential future development in Getu, China, an area made famous in climbing circles by the 2011 Petzl Roc Trip:

Unfortunately the peaceful environment I recalled from my last visit in 2011 has been completely altered due to the construction of a huge parking lot and an elevator that will transport people from the parking lot to directly below the arch. I had heard about this from friends and had quietly accepted it as yet another example of how the local governments try to encourage tourism via huge building developments, yet this development is often too ephemeral for the villages in rural China and probably jeopardise forever a beautiful and complex natural environment.

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Interviewed By Crux Crush

After a brief vacation to Spain I’m back in the States trying to get caught up on everything1.  Until I can get fully caught up, you can enjoy this interview I did with Crux Crush which ran while I was gone.  I enjoyed how this one turned out.
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  1. Thanks to all of you who emailed me wondering where I was
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Video Friday – 4/11/2013

The highest rated videos of the past week

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Viva Peñoles

The first two episodes in the Viva Peñoles series featuring Daniel Woods, Dave Graham, Jimmy Webb, Paul Robinson and Diego Montull

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The Moment

Something weird happened this weekend at SCS Nationals: I actually liked speed climbing

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Weaver, Miller Win At 2014 SCS Nationals

Final results from 2014 SCS Nationals held at Sender One in Santa Ana, CA

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Live From 2014 SCS Nationals Finals

Live Coverage of the final round of 2014 SCS Nationals from Sender One in Santa Ana, CA

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