Archive | February, 2013

REI CEO Nominated For Interior Secretary

All caveats about the broken nature of our government aside, this seems like it has to be good news:

President Obama on Wednesday nominated Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI) chief executive Sally Jewell to head the Interior Department, praising her as a leader who “knows the link between conservation and good jobs.
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The choice of Jewell, who began her career as an engineer for Mobil Oil and worked as a commercial banker before heading a nearly $2 billion outdoors equipment company, represents an unconventional choice for a post usually reserved for career politicians from the West.

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Just Another Weekend For Adam Ondra

Once again not resting on his success, Adam Ondra went right back to work this weekend in Spain.  Friday he did the 2nd ascent of Chris Sharma’s Fight Or Flight (5.15b) at Oliana and then Saturday he onsighted two 5.14b’s at Cuenca according to

In Dura Dura follow-up news, 9b has a good interview with Ondra where he touches on a few things including what he learned during the 9 week process of projecting this route:

That after two weeks of working the same route, it is very difficult to make further progress. That was quite suprising to me.
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The 3rd and 4th weeks on La Dura Dura were completely pointless, I was climbing one level below and no matter how efficiently I climbed, I couldn’t and didn’t progress.

A nice gallery of images of Ondra on the route can be seen here.

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Adam Ondra Frees La Dura Dura (5.15c)

Adam Ondra Frees La Dura Dura (5.15c)

Adam Ondra makes history…again.

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Video Friday – 2/8/2013

Video Friday – 2/8/2013

The highest rated videos of the past week

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New 5.15b At Santa Linya By Chris Sharma

Chris Sharma reports via his Instagram account that he has done the FA of one of his projects in Santa Linya, Spain:

Today in Santa Linya was one of those illusive moments. I sent a project that I’ve been trying the last few years.
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I think I’m going to call it Stoking The Fire and I think it’s pretty solid 9b. So many hard complex sequences with no rests!

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New V14 In Moe’s Valley By Isaac Caldiero

Isaac Caldiero has opened a potential V14 in southern Utah’s Moe’s Valley called Force of Nature according to his 8a scorecard:

SO Psyched!! By far the hardest piece of stone i’ve ever climbed, spent so many days trying, lost count.
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6 hard V11 moves into a V12 move.

A few pictures of the line can be seen here.

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Mike Libecki’s Expedition To Frans Josef Land

Amazing story by Mike Libecki of an expedition to Russia’s Frans Josef Land:

Four hours passed and the fog finally lifted. I could see the rock walls, like large sea cliffs, and they were beautiful. I was incredibly excited, but in the back of my mind several warning signs went off as I was about to get in my small rafts (one in tow with my gear) and head to the island.
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My main concern was the rifle promised to me that did not come to fruition. My plan was to immediately climb up one pitch and get a port-a-ledge camp set up so I would be safe from polar bears.
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