Archive | February, 2013

Live From 2013 ABS Nationals Men’s Qualifiers

The unforeseen issue with the live stream of men’s qualifiers leaves me no choice but to throw down an emergency Live Blog. Let’s go!

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Live From 2013 ABS Nationals Women’s Qualifiers

Watch Women’s qualifiers as well as an update on the status of Men’s qualifiers

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Video Friday – 2/22/2013

Video Friday – 2/22/2013

The highest rated videos of the past week

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Chipping Caught On Film In New York

I guess when Ivan Greene says on his Edelrid athlete page1 that his occupation is being a “rock climber and artist” he really meant it.  With an emphasis on the artist part.
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Back story on the video is here.

Sick, and not in a cool way.

Update – Statement from Edelrid:

We would like to state unequivocally that EDELRID does not support the practice of chipping. It is our belief that the challenge, and the pleasure of climbing, lies in rock formations, as they occur naturally.

With this in mind we can state that we find the recent behaviour of Ivan Greene to be completely unacceptable, and we would like to take this opportunity to clarify that he is no longer an EDELRID sponsored athlete, and in actuality has not been supported by the brand for over 12 months.
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We will be removing all references to Ivan Greene from the EDELRID website with immediate effect.

  1.  Why Edelrid would sponsor him in the first place is beyond me
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11 V11’s Or Harder. In A Day.

UKC has the rundown on Jan Hojer’s idea of a “rest” day:  climbing 11 V11’s or harder in Ticino.  Or as I like to refer to it:  11 more V11’s or harder than I’ve done in the 10,870 days I’ve been alive.
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 That has to be some kind of record.

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2013 ABS Nationals Live This Weekend

2013 ABS Nationals Live This Weekend

A quick reminder to tune in to ABS Nationals this weekend live from Colorado Spring

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Lowering Off The Pressure

Adam Ondra, writing about his efforts on La Dura Dura for La Sportiva:

As I felt so strong, I decided not to take another restday, and try the very next day. Lowering off the pressure, taking it less seriously. But from the morning, I had doubts about this decision. My forearms were a little sore, Chris typed me a message that he was taking rest as he felt sore. But I persisted.

For me this is one of the big takeaways from this send that can be relevant  for all climbers, not just mutants.  It took me a long time to realize this—and in many ways I still struggle to harness this knowledge—but oftentimes success in climbing comes at times when your mind least expects it.

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