Mr. Ego

Interesting thoughts from Michele Camninati as he reflects on his trip to South Africa1:

Despite that there are several things I noticed during this trip, as well as last year, that deserve some deeper thoughts than the usual blog post where you say how cool was your experience, how hard was your climbing or how long your tick list…

I think there is some truth to what he says, but despite the constant cries from 8a.
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nu, grades do matter to people and I don’t see that changing any time soon.

  1. If nothing else it’s worth clicking through to see his amazing photos

Posted In: Asides, Bouldering


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6 Responses to Mr. Ego

  1. m August 30, 2012 at 8:21 am #

    I guess they do matter, and at the risk of being a bit inflammatory, they seem to matter to michele as well, judging by the efforts he devotes to correct them. or to make them right.

    GD Star Rating
  2. joeyjoejoe August 30, 2012 at 10:35 am #

    Preemptively – stfu, everyone. Thanks.

    GD Star Rating
  3. dave August 30, 2012 at 2:03 pm #

    Without big numbers to spray about… pro climbers would find themselves out of a job.

    GD Star Rating
    • ARGHH August 31, 2012 at 2:11 pm #

      People really need to stop using the word “spray” to refer to any and all communication and media about climbing. By far the most overused climbing slang of the past five years.

      And, you’re probably wrong. There are plenty of professional athletes in outdoor sports that do not have the same obsessions with numbers and quantification, like whitewater kayaking and skiing.

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  4. sp August 31, 2012 at 10:09 am #

    Nice post, but a bit surprised by his comments regarding flash/on-site.

    GD Star Rating
    • PBC August 31, 2012 at 3:09 pm #

      I think his comments reflect his person reason for climbing. There are people out there who climb for the physical act of it. There are people that climb because they like puzzles (J Gill). If you are the latter…. seeing the solution to a puzzle box and just going through the motions to open it takes a great deal out of the experience.

      A strong climber can be stumped on a climb, not understanding the nuance, but being given beta will usually send quickly. A weaker climber can know the beta all day long, but you can’t just give them the strength and send it. I think that lends (slightly) more merit to a climber who has a bag of tricks that includes the ability to read a route and send onsight than one who bag of tricks mostly contains brutal power. Its all about what you’re after.

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