Archive | July, 2012

Adam Ondra Visits Flatanger Cave

In what is now pretty much a standard day for Adam Ondra he visited the cave at Flatanger, Norway and came away with an onsight of a 5.
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14c and the FA of a potential 5.15a/b according to  The 5.14c was the route Eye Of Odin which was opened just the other week by Ethan Pringle.

Update: also reports that Ondra has onsighted Jorg Verhoeven’s route Nordic Flower which is also in the cave at Flatanger.  Verhoeven suggested 5.14d for the route, but after onsighting it while hanging the draws Ondra has bravely and humbly suggested 5.14c.

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Michael Ybarra

Michael Ybarra

Noted climbing writer Michael Ybarra dies at age 45

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Video Friday – 7/6/2012

Video Friday – 7/6/2012

The top videos of the past week

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NY Times On Climbing Restrictions In Cuba

I’m not sure what the average New York Times reader cares about rock climbing restrictions in any country let alone Cuba, but I think climbers will find this piece by Alex Lowther interesting:

In March, one guard, a congenial man in a green button-down shirt, said: “We don’t like to say climbing is prohibited. Climbing isn’t prohibited, because prohibited is an ugly word.
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But may one climb?

“No,” he said.

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Circling The Drain

Will Gadd with some food for thought as we ‘Mericans celebrate our independence to do (and eat) pretty much whatever we set our minds to:

Things get real clear real quick: Eat shitty food and avoid exercise and you’ll stop moving and get larger. And once you get past a certain point it’s a lot harder to move (my hero lady aside). And if you stop moving you die.
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We’re all circling the drain every day of our lives; move faster and you stay farther from the hole for longer, like a marble in the sink.
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But making time to breathe can be hard. You have to fight for it. I’m proud of the times I win the fight to breathe hard.

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Webb Warriors Up

Jimmy Webb has done the third ascent after Daniel Woods and Dave Graham of Warrior Up at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans, CO.  Woods and Graham proposed V15 for the line but as is often the case, Webb suggested on his 8a scorecard that the line might be a bit easier for someone with his height so he registered it at V14.

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Urban Climber Closing Up Shop

Urban Climber Closing Up Shop

It’s the end of the road for Urban Climber

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