Archive | November, 2011

“I’m An Equal Opportunity Sheriff”

I’m a big fan of the interviews done on Boulder’s ClimbTalk Radio and thanks to the hard work of Dave McAllister we can all peruse transcripts of the shows.  The latest interview to be transcribed with‘s Jamie Emerson touches on a wide variety of topics including Jamie’s work on a guidebook for RMNP and Mt. Evans, the evolution of his blog and his status as the unofficial Sheriff of the climbing community:

You know, if I question, “Did someone start there or do this,” they take it really personally.  Even though I think it’s important that we discuss these issues and I know a lot of times it’s my friends.
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  In fact, I called Dave Graham out for starting in an inappropriate place and he was not happy with me, at all.  We had to have a little talk about it.  He was like, “It’s really ridiculous that you’re calling me out.”  I’m like, “Hey, I’m an equal opportunity Sheriff.  I’ll write tickets for everyone.”  No one’s above being questioned, including myself.
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  Ironically, I feel like I get questioned more than anyone.

Check out the full interview here.

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Popular Posts & Videos For October 2011

Popular Posts & Videos For October 2011

Was Alex Honnold on TV or something???

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Tommy Caldwell Explains His New Approach To Sharing Dawn Wall Updates

Tommy Caldwell has freed the first 11 pitches of his Dawn Wall project and is now working on pitch 12.  Of course, you already knew this if you’ve been following the updates and pictures on his Facebook page.  For someone who has normally been rather reserved when it comes to the online climbing world, this new level of sharing by Caldwell has caught many by surprise.  In this post on The Cleanest Line he explains to friend Kelly Cordes some of the thoughts behind this change:

Although it felt a bit unnatural at first, I decided to embrace the circus on this project. There are many reasons for this.
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First of all, it becomes a circus whether I like it or not. The Ask a Climber Program here in Yosemite has put the climbers on El Cap on display.
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There are daily blog updates complete with photos of what is going on. If you can’t fight ‘em, might as well join ‘em.
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Video Friday – 11/4/2011

Video Friday – 11/4/2011

A few words on the Red River Gorge and Video Friday videos…

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Adidas Group To Buy Five Ten For $25 Million

Adidas Group To Buy Five Ten For $25 Million

The adidas Group is set to buy up shoe maker Five Ten for $25 million in cash

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Jorgeson, Traversi Visit Bear Grylls’ Discovery Channel Adrenaline Lab

Jorgeson, Traversi Visit Bear Grylls’ Discovery Channel Adrenaline Lab

Kevin Jorgeson and Carlo Traversi spend a few minutes with Bear Grylls in the Discovery Channel Adrenaline Lab

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Off Belay Podcast Hits The Deck

Off Belay Podcast Hits The Deck

It was fun while it lasted, but the Off Belay Podcast is no more.

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