Video Friday – 9/9/2011

Video Friday – 9/9/2011

Thanks again to everyone the kind thoughts after last week’s edition of Video Friday where I lamented the current state of my climbing psyche.  Fortunately the Labor Day weekend was kind to me, and I was able to get two days of climbing in including one at Devil’s Lake where I climbed one of the best routes at the area for the first time.  It’s amazing what one day of beautiful weather and a little ground up onsight trad climbing can do for you.
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In other news, it is exactly two weeks until the The North Face Open bouldering comp goes down at the 2011 Nor’easter Music Festival in Burlington, VT.  I will be on the ground  in Burlington to do some live blogging and reporting throughout the weekend.
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 Stay tuned for that.

And in the video front, this week saw one of the better online videos I’ve ever seen really take off.
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 Since I first noticed it last weekend the video of Arnaud Petit climbing the Céüse, France sport route Black Bean (5.13d) on trad gear has some 35,000 views and counting.  Even if it is a “contingent ascent”, it’s well worth checking out so if you haven’t already seen it (or even if you have) be sure to check it out (again).

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Posted In: Video Friday


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4 Responses to Video Friday – 9/9/2011

  1. cp September 9, 2011 at 4:22 pm #

    narc– if you need a place to stay in burlington, email me….

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  2. Spro1 September 10, 2011 at 4:17 pm #

    It’s amazing how easy trad climbing can sometimes remind one of why they like climbing so much. With all the hard bouldering and sport sends going down, sometimes the devotion to progress can overshadow the joy of just moving over stone.

    Here’s to the sending season

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    • Narc September 11, 2011 at 1:56 am #

      Here here!

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  3. Narc September 11, 2011 at 1:57 am #

    42,000 views and counting

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