Access Alert In Yosemite

The Access Fund has an alert on their website about some potential negative changes on the horizon for climbers in Yosemite Valley.  Check it out to see how you can help.

Posted In: Access, Asides


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2 Responses to Access Alert In Yosemite

  1. Mike Snyder February 2, 2010 at 4:07 pm #

    Access issues like this are big deals and can bode very poorly for our future as climbers if unfavorable decisions are reached. The letter drafted by the Access Fund regarding the Merced River management plan is well thought out and deserves a read from each of us. If you are in agreement sign it and send it off as your own. There is power in numbers, and this is a great way to stand up for what we love and believe in.

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    • Mark February 2, 2010 at 7:44 pm #

      As someone who works in government and day to day sees these canned letters come into Senator’s offices all the time, my two cents would be to take the ideas and do your best to write them into your own personal letter. Sure Senators record every letter that comes on, hearing the same thing over in over in one form lends less credence to an issue than hearing the same IDEAS in different wording. They will get the idea and it looks less like someone just took two seconds to stamp their name on the bottom of something and send it.

      An issue like this needs good attention and people adding their own personal touch to bring light to a proper fix or voicing their opinions will go a very very long way.

      GD Star Rating

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