Check out this video of Dave Graham doing the FA of Big Worm (V13/14) at Mt. Evans, CO. The clip also includes a teaser of Nalle Hukkataival working on Jade (V15) in RMNP with promises of full send footage in the forthcoming first video from something called “ISLAND”. According to rumors I’ve heard, Island is a collaboration between Chad Greedy and Dave Graham which is something to look forward to for sure. However, I think it’s going to take something more exciting than another clip of someone sending Jade to get people interested.
Thanks to Nic, a Wisconsin bouldering legend, for passing this along.
Freakin A! I find these things, and am about to tell you, and you always beat me to it! Except Oliana, saw that the night before you posted it. You really are the king of this Narc!
I apparently failed to notice that Chad has been updating his blog at the hardclimbs.blogspot address and not the address for almost a year…
not big paw, big worm
I wish people would correct me sooner…
Dave explains the concept of “the Island” in one of his blogs. I think it’s the last one, number 15.
One of my favorite all time blog posts. It actually influenced a manifesto on climbing that I’m writing. Stay syked.
If you can find an explanation about anything, let alone the island, in that rant I’ll give you 10 bucks. That shit is like reading Japanese. wow.
I thought Graham posted that, appeared a few times more and then spun off into oblivion. Hardly a word from/about him this year… a sighting each at Joe Kinder’s & Colette’s blogs in St. George, but that’s about it. What’s up with that?
I believe he has been battling through several injuries of late
hardly a word?
12-v13’s and harder, including 1-v14 fa and 1 v15 fa (which has the single hardest move of any boulder in the world?)
wow, I would hate to be him… the standards you would have to live up to.
and girl talk 14c, Kryptonite 14d
I could keep going..
Nic, what V15 fa of Graham’s are you referring too? Is it the Island? I hadnt heard any references to that having the hardest single move on a boulder problem. For Graham’s normal rate of production, I think it’s fair to say he has had a down year. Not a slam on him, just pointing out the crazy high standard he is held too.
It’s kind of funny that he has been having an “off” year for him yet he is still at or near the top of the rankings. Hopeully he can get (and stay) healthy for the rest of the year.
10 responses and no mention of the blue v10’s ??
they looked a bit soft, maybe they will have the 2.2 mystique ??
Just you wait…
I was JUST going to ask about that! Any insight as to when we can expect more info? I remember the blurred out narc posts a while back
I have no idea what you are talking about. Big Paw was the problem I was referring to.
Thanks for the clarification, Nic. Does anyone remember if Landman ended up repeating Big Paw?
no.. just the stand… boogalala