Chris Sharma is back in Spain after his trip to China and he is back to his old tricks, namely switching up his look. Gone are the long wavy locks and back in is the short hair. Awesome stuff…
Oh..and he also opened another 5.15 in Oliana, Spain. Dubbed Pachamama, this new line shares a boulder problem start with Sharma’s Papichulo (5.15a) before splitting off for overhanging power endurance climbing a muerte. Here is what Sharma had to say about the grade:
I’m still a bit confused over the grade. It’s definitely harder than Papichulo and all the other F9a+ routes I’ve done in Spain but I’m not sure if it’s F9b… the resistant style of climbing on the route isn’t quite the best style for me and I can imagine other people being better suited… For now I’d say it’s hard F9a+
Check out Sharma’s World at MVM for the full story.
Finally he cuts his hair
someone was giving him shit for “styling his hair before hard FA’s.” where else but…
I was the one that mentioned I didn’t even recognize him at first because of the haircut. But I was not giving him a hard time like the guy after me. Although. That was sarcasm.
I hope you realize a lot of the comments on 8a are sarcastic. Cause none of us take that place seriously.
I was thinking of the one that went “Chris have started to style he’s hair before doing hard routes.” Admittedly, not yours (or what I assume to be yours). I think that a big part of the problem is that things get lost in translation, but even so people have been coming down awfully hard on that nutri___ stuff that he’s now endorsing. Nothing wrong with being professional is all that I’m saying.
Also, on a semi-related topic: Narc, a few of us have been talking about staging a revolution against 8a with many of the improvements that you and I have talked about. I would expect a prototype early next fall if we can get our shit in order.
I’d be in for a revolution. I got told recently that since I don’t climb hard enough (they looked at the three ascents I put up a while ago to test the database i.e. not real ascents) my arguments are invalid. Viva la revolución!
I have heard rumors of others wanting to do the same. I look forward to whichever one can make it happen.
if you need someone to toss around superlatives and quantify subjective interpolations of experiences…. fire me an email. i’ve got the best subjectivity on the interwebs. count it.
i cant believe people aren’t discussing how his haircut + the hard 9a+ grade = 9b. it’s sooooooooo obvious. his hair was uber-heavy. at least a half letter grade.
Aaaaamen brotha. Super hard 9b fo sho
and in other news, barber shops in the city of boulder, colorado reported a 1000% increase in business since early this morning, mystifying jaded economic analysts.
Hey. Some of us got our haircuts before seeing Sharma. If anything, I feel like Sharma ripped me off. And I thought he was a good guy…
sockhands, i am getting my haircut tomorrow!
Damn, just as mine gets as long as his he cuts it down.