Archive | June, 2008
Muir Valley

Muir Valley

Muir Valley, for those that don’t know, is a sport climbing area in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge. However, calling it a sub-area of the RRG is somewhat misleading as it is actually an entire destination unto itself. Spread over 400 acres of beautiful land and home to over 250 routes (and growing), it has quickly become one of the most popular places for climbers to visit since it opened a few years back. Recent new from Muir Valley inspired the most recent ad revenue redistribution.

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Ally Dorey Interview

Check out this interesting and humorous interview with Frontrange climber Ally Dory on a new blog I came across today called Pimpin’ and Crimpin’.

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News & Notes – 06/11/08

News & Notes – 06/11/08

News & Notes on Sonnie Trotter, Ethan Pringle, tribute to Todd Skinner, the Caldwell’s and more…

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2008 Vail Bouldering World Cup Media

2008 Vail Bouldering World Cup Media

Media from this past weekend’s Bouldering World Cup event at the Teva Mountain Games is starting to trickle in. Updated on 6/12/08

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Perfecto World Premier Tonight

Perfecto, a new Mike Call movie featuring Deep Water Soloing and Sport Climbing on the Spanish island of Mallorca premiers tonight in Golden, CO.  More details are available at FRB, and you can catch a trailer at MVM.  Proceeds from tonight’s premier benefit a primary school near South Africa’s Rocklands.

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A Bit Of Housekeeping

A Bit Of Housekeeping

It’s been a few weeks since I made some changes to the site here and I wanted to take a moment to inform you of some of the changes.

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Alex Johnson Wins 2008 Bouldering World Cup In Vail

The Midwest’s own Alex Johnson took the top spot at the World Cup Bouldering event in Vail, CO this past weekend.  Paul Robinson was the top Male U.S. finisher in 3rd place.  Full Results:  Men / Women.  More details later this week.

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