After another successful round of voting in the 2008 Tournament Of All Things Climbing we are on to Round 3 and the final 16. No major surprises in Round 2 except for Organic losing to Petzl by a scant 3 votes. Also, Alex Honnold’s recent freesolo wasn’t enough to overtake Tommy Caldwell, but A) he is still a rad dood and B) I doubt he really cares…
Anyways, on to Round 3. There are some interesting matchups for Round 3 like Caldwell vs. Rodden-Caldwell and Hueco vs. Bishop.
Here are the links for Round 3 voting:
Dope Spots
Winter in Wisconsin
Voting for Round 3 will close this Saturday night, 4/12.
If you are interested in how the voting went for Rounds 1 & 2 you can check out the voting pages where actual vote counts are now displayed:
Past Results
Peeps Round 1
Dope Spots Round 1
Schwag Round 1
Winter in Wisconsin Round 1
Peeps Round 2
Dope Spots Round 2
Schwag Round 2
Winter in Wisconsin Round 2
Thanks to everyone that has voted!
When is the voting suposed to conclude entirely?
Before the end of this month, how’s that sound?