Archive | November, 2007
Who Will Be 1st To Be 2nd?

Who Will Be 1st To Be 2nd?

It has been roughly 30 years since Jim Holloway established Trice (aka Another Hollway Route) at Flagstaff Mountain. Jim Holloway on Trice Photo: Rob Candelaria via Peter Beal Now with cooler temps descending on Boulder, the race is on to downgrade Trice to B2. Jamie Emerson working Trice Photo: Chuffer Carlo Traversi working Trice Who […]

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Picture of Nate’s First Lead

Here is an approximate picture of Nate on his lead this weekend:

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Devil’s Lake in the Fall

Picture if you will for a moment the most glorious Fall day you have ever seen at your local climbing crag. Picture in your head the trees ablaze with full fledged Fall colors. Feel in your fingers that great feeling you experience as you climb out of the shadows onto the rock that has been […]

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2007 HP40 Triple Crown Results

Unofficial HP40 Triple Crown  results courtesy of Ryan Olson – 1) Paul Robinson 2) James Webb 3) Jason Kehl

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HP40 Triple Crown Weekend

Good luck this weekend to everyone competing at the Triple Crown event at HP40 in Alabama. Probably not especially prime temps being that it is supposed to be 70 tomorrow but it should be good xifaxan online no prescription Special good luck to Ryan Olson, Paul Robinson (not that he needs it) and […]

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Governor Dodge Bouldering

Governor Dodge Bouldering

Right about the time that I got injured earlier this year I heard about some bouldering 2 hours away in Governor Dodge State amoxil online no prescription Ever since then I’ve been eager to get out there to check out some of the problems and today I finally had my chance. Unfortunately, I […]

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