Archive | June, 2007

Realization Revisited

I was cruising around some sites on my lunch break and came across this clip from Dosage I that I had not seen in quite some time. It definitely brings back memories of the glory days of, and I can almost picture how cool it was to load the site one day that summer […]

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South Dakota Bouldering

Check out the latest post on for Jamie’s first installment on his trip to South Dakota. I for one haven’t heard or read a whole lot on the bouldering up that way but videos like “Friction Addiction” and posts like Jamie’s make me wonder if it might be worthwhile going there singulair online […]

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News & Notes – 6/4/2007

Back from rock climbing in Iowa of all places… Joe Kinder and Jon Cardwell both repeated Andy Raether’s route Kuru 5.14c at Rifle, CO. Joe commented that the route is 45% manufactured which sort of gives you the impression that he says this as a negative against the route. Of course 8a overreacts to this […]

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Sharma’s New Project

Shh, don’t tell anyone: I’m not really supposed to talk about it, but I will say this: When it gets done, it will be the hardest, most badass sport route in the world. There you go, that’s all I’m going to say. So now you know where it is, all you have to do is […]

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