Climbing Areas Archives: Grampians

Alex Megos Sending In The Grampians

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Alex Megos – The Wheel Of Life

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Chris Sharma Down Under

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V12 FA By Dorothea Karalus In The Grampians

Dorothea Karalus, writing on her blog about her FA of the stellar looking problem In The Clouds (V12) in the Grampians:

On cloudy days attempts were usually thwarted by rain showers, so we resorted to night sessions. I made slow but steady progress and one dry evening I managed to stick the crux third move from the bottom only to fall going to the gaston! Nervously I rested for a bit, managed to stay calm and did the probably first ascent the same night!
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As noted by B3Bouldering, this is likely one of the hardest FA’s ever done by a woman.

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In the Cloud – Grampians, Australia

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“High Fives And Redbull”

Andrew Bisharat:

Everyone knows that Instagram serves no purpose other than a way to make your life seem much cooler than it actually is to all your friends and/or followers, the deeper intention, of course, being to simultaneously make them jealous and bolster your own image.

I spent a lot of time nodding my head as I read this post and even laughed out loud at the “high fives and Redbull” part.
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 I also spent a lot of time being jealous of his trip to Australia….

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Australia IV

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