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Tags: Chuck Fryberger Films, The Network
Climbers: Daniel Woods, Dave Graham, Kilian Fischhuber, Nalle Hukkataival, Paul Robinson
| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
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I have never been so unexcited for a climbing movie. Ever.
Island vol. one looks better tbh
Why, in the name of all that is holy, does Chuck Fryberger insist on having these overarching “themes” to his climbing films? He does an incredible job of capturing and presenting the climbing in his films, so why does he (and many other climbing film makers for that matter) insist on telling us about something that just isn’t there? There is neither a Network, nor is there a Scene, nor is this at the Core of climbing, and it for damn sure isn’t Pure. Reaching to tell a story about something that isn’t present in the climbing is just going to detract from your -climbing- film, by constantly drawing attention to a half-assed concept that tries to tie climbing footage together. Nobody is looking to buy a “social network” film, they pay for climbing footage.
I think BigUp got it right when they just owned up to this fact and basically called their films “ClimbPorn Volume 5”. If the BigUp/Sender folks find that there really is a story behind a single ascent, they present that story for what it is – an interesting, but insular story. They don’t try to draw some correlation between Ashima sending sicky gnar-gnar boulder problems and Ueli Steck flying up alpine peaks, mostly because they aren’t connected in any way, shape or form. They develop and tell one story at a time, rather than trying to force a conversation involving their desired catch-phrase that will turn in to their film’s title.
Sorry to go off the handle and rant like this, but this is honest-to-God what popped in to my head when that awful voice over came on in this trailer. With the rant over, I will say that I am a consumer whore (and how!) and will most likely still buy this film.
You get an upvote just because of the “Rejected” reference.
I get what you’re saying, especially when I think of “The Hood”. I seriously didn’t need to see the climbers wearing hooded sweatshirts and bandanna’s. But I do appreciate the interviews with the climbers, you get a lot more information than you could just watching them climb the routes/problems.
“Welcome to the Hood”*
Uhm, I think I speak for everyone in saying you obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve traveled from one end of the country to the other for climbing and I run into professional climbers as well as dedicated locals from my home city who are out getting it done and trying to send. There IS most certainly a network of climbers out there dedicated to sending, developing, competing, etc… Chuck Fryberger does a great job covering the fellowship amongst climbers and what we do,l dirt-bagging etc…
If you were a real climber you would know that… Sending a V0 at your college climbing gym doesn’t make you a climber. Thanks.
You mad bro?
Being a fryberger fanboy doesn’t mean you speak for everyone. I, in fact, agree with the above people. I like chuck’s movies, but I think the whole overarching theme part of his films is getting a bit tired.
Don’t sound so butt hurt. People are entitled to disapprove with any film maker’s style.
I love how this ancient thread was just revived. Everyone is done with this I think.
^ agreed! more climbing porn, and like porn, preferably free!
I agree but its a bit selfish to say free, I’d happily pay for climbing films if they were of the quality of Dosage 5, that was one of the best climbing porns ever!! Wish Big Up went back to that, story films can be footed by sponsors (BD’s Vimeo page is a great example). I think we’d all pay a lil for some quality climbing porn, haven’t seen that in a while.
Ha, apparently I’m the only one that likes to see into the lives of professional climbers a little bit, and hear about the area’s in which they’re climbing, they’re motivation for doing the route etc. To each his own, eh? I’ll probably pick this up.
While agreeing with everything that has been said, I would tone down the negativity a bit. Sure the story line sounds terrible, but look at the quality of the footage, all those areas and the climbers featured. Even if I were going to watch it on mute and fast-forward to get to the climbing shots, I would still be a little bit excited for this thing.
Well, I actually watched the movie so I think that disqualifies me from participating in this discussion.
I beg to differ on most comments. Sure, it is a little cliche, and he may be making up some stuff, but if you put that to the side, and forget about it, and try to enjoy the movie, I think it perfectly okay, I’d just say forget about it.
Awesome video!Guys,who know the song name?Tell me please !:)
I have to disagree with “snubb” im from southern California and have only been climbing for 5 years but I have noticed that all the people ive met, and friends ive made in climbing have created a network of climbers that spans the country literally. I have climbing friends in nor-cal, Oregon, New York city, Maine, Tennessee, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Las Vegas, Hawaii, shit I have connections with people in Mexico, Costa Rica, and even South Korea and Japan. When we go on trips we run into old friends and meet new ones which just expands that network. I keep in touch with all these people and I know that if I ever went to those locations I will always have a climbing partner ready and eager to send in that area. So in that sense I would say that there is definitely a so called “network” of climbers around the world.