I was curious about that, but not entirely confident in my abilities to discern natural from manufactured. The perfectly sized pockets made me suspicious. It a crazy cool looking wall though….straight out at 45 degrees (or so)
Not the epitome of hard, but I know that Scarface (13d/14a) at Smith had a jug on it that was hammered off to make it harder. Actually where the route gets it’s name according to Watts.
Yeah, like what? And manufactured, like a hold or two reinforced with glue, or drilled pockets, or what? Just being naive, I would assume drilling pockets is not common
FRFM was altered. Nearly every hard climb in Utah and Nevada has drilled pickets or glued edges. Most of the climbs in Spain are at least glue reinforced. I’m not sure about Flatanger, but that may be the only place with truly natural and difficult lines.
that is so sweet. an entirely manufactured cliff.
I was curious about that, but not entirely confident in my abilities to discern natural from manufactured. The perfectly sized pockets made me suspicious. It a crazy cool looking wall though….straight out at 45 degrees (or so)
Most hard sport climbs are manufactured in at least some way. Truth.
True story
what are some examples of known chipped hard routes? do you think chipping is more prevaalant in certain areas? more common in europe?
Not the epitome of hard, but I know that Scarface (13d/14a) at Smith had a jug on it that was hammered off to make it harder. Actually where the route gets it’s name according to Watts.
Yeah, like what? And manufactured, like a hold or two reinforced with glue, or drilled pockets, or what? Just being naive, I would assume drilling pockets is not common
FRFM was altered. Nearly every hard climb in Utah and Nevada has drilled pickets or glued edges. Most of the climbs in Spain are at least glue reinforced. I’m not sure about Flatanger, but that may be the only place with truly natural and difficult lines.