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Tags: Featured, Scarred For Life: The Life & Climbs Of Dave Graham
Climbers: Dave Graham
Areas: Hueco Tanks
| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
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Cardwell types fast as a mofo.
Why are all these videos so highly rated? Just because DG is in them? They’re all 50% climbing, 50% time-lapse nature-shot BS.
Then this one has an inane, N-bomb laced hip hop track….about doing time, turf wars, guns, violence, etc. Seriously? You’re all a bunch of skinny, middle- or upper-class white boys from Colorado. Climbing little rocks in the woods for fun. Gimme a break.
You really can’t comprehend how other people might have different tastes in videos and music than you do?
It’s just a climbing video. Relax.
Dave’s from New England last I checked. Thug life comes in all colors, yo.
Yea dude, I hate shots of the surrounding areas in outdoor films- nature is for tools. uhg, its awful. And hip-hop? That’s terrible, why don’t they toss in some Mumford and Son, or something good like Dave Mathews Band…
Agreed about the music, brings to mind this: http://cdn.motinetwork.net/demotivationalposters.net/image/demotivational-poster/1108/i-would-like-gangsta-rap-more-gangsta-rap-enjoy-killing-me-demotivational-posters-1313153773.jpg
That intro was pretty random, even for this series of videos
I think the video captures lifestyle, psych, hard climbing, and the personality of the climbers involved. Not bad for a 6 minute flick…