[vimeo http://vimeo.com/37681861 w=980&h=551]
| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
Chris Sharma and Mindful Living Ambassador Mark Coleman talk about the ‘inside game’ of climbing – how our thoughts can either hinder our performance or enhance our experience. The universal idea of letting go and focusing on the present moment allows us to more fully enjoy our passionate pursuits and our lives… of course this is easier said that done.
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Chris Sharma
this is just really odd…
What’s he on?
I think it is great this clip was made. We always talk about how mental climbing is, and I think hearing it from someone of this experience really brings mental games and climbing into focus. The entire clip was truth. We try our projects, whatever the grade, and generally succeed when we are free and not entirely expecting success. When you think about how much you desire success before you leave the ground, I feel as though you have now added another barrier. Its hard to free that barrier midroute, and these thoughts are what clutter your mind. You will often climb poorly and make certain mistakes you knew shouldn’t have made. When we try routes that push us to our physical and mental limits, one wrong foot placement or body movement can lead to failure. I’m sure most of us climb because it is our passion, it is fun, it is what you are. You climb rocks. Like many things in life, when you have fun doing the things you love, you often succeed. Go have fun.
People will always have something negative to say. Maybe not new information to most but still good to think about and always nice to see people talk honestly about the line we walk between success and failure.