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Climbers: Aidan Welby, Ben Mangelsdorf, Frankie Caiazzo, Hannah Padd, Mark Mayerhoefer
Areas: Mt. Evans, RMNP
| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
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somehow made it through this whole video. not sure how this made it through your shit detector narc? usually you only have good videos on here. so far from alpine gold… kind traverse banger?! no whispers.. wannabe chad greedys. its sad seeing climbing videos becoming this.
I generally try to only post videos I think people will like, but occasionally I will post one that I’m not sure about to see what the reaction is. This is one of those cases.
It was an alright video. Was it great, no. But, calling it shit. Dang.
Hey man, my buddy and I edited this video and I appreciate you watching the whole thing as I realize it’s on the longer side … Anyways, I am trying to understand your criticisms here … Is your problem with the Kind Traverse section the music? Do you think it does not fit the climbing?
Also, we do not have Whispers in the video because none of us sent it. Pretty simple. As much as I would like to, we don’t always send the sick problems that we would like to have in our video because sometimes people do not send hard boulder problems.
I thought the Chad Greedy jokes were funny but I can see how they might not be everyone’s favorite …
This video does not represent what climbing videos are “becoming.” It represents the trip we took to Colorado and our vision of what we wanted our climbing video to look like. Not really sure what is sad about it because it is honestly well intended and we just wanted to make some people happy with it, don’t really see anything sad or wrong about that.
If you have any other criticisms, preferably constructive instead of rude, please tell me. Thanks.
Hey Ben,
I liked the videography. Nice job filming the climbing and the landscape.
The issue I had was with the music choice. I could have watched the video on mute and probably enjoyed it more than I did. It comes down to personal taste, and I’m not sure if you were trying to be ironic with the music choice, but I wasn’t a fan.
Otherwise I’m not sure what everyone is hating on. Have you guys watched the stuff that comes up on DPM?
Haha, we definitely weren’t trying to be ironic … Maybe the hip-hop was a bit much, and that is something I am definitely psyched to dial back in future videos as it seems to be something that a lot of our viewers aren’t psyched on.
We mainly do the rap because 1. We like rap music and 2. It is really good to edit to, as it has really prominent drums that make the cuts that we do to the music look nice. We take a lot of cues from both skating and climbing filmography, and both use heavy hip-hop soundtracks usually (a lot of Big Up Productions videos use hip-hop). But I guess if our audience isn’t feeling it we can try out some other stuff for sure.
I appreciate the levelness of your comment, and thanks for the compliment on the videography. We are definitely not veterans to making climbing videos but we are super psyched on it and want to become better … I am always very appreciative of constructive criticism.
Yeah…I haven’t minded their other videos. Kinda liked a couple. This one just really annoyed me
all their videos are super annoying. keep the wannabe pro shit on instagram. Hate to break it to you but I don’t think chad greedy is your homie. how’d that feel?
Haters gonna hate. Ain’t nothin to a BAWSE
Something about this video seemed unique. It had a different feel, or ambiance, than most. These guys are not well known (well, at least to me) and are not climbing the hardest climbs, but for some reason I kept watching all the way to the end. Be it the editing, filming, shot selection or other, I believe there’s talent here.
Hey Andre,
My good friend Ben and I spent many many hours filming and editing Alpine Gold, and I just wanted to say thank you much for your positivity and kindness in your comment. We have been receiving a lot of good reviews and as I’m sure you read above, a couple negative ones. On behalf of Ben and myself, we genuinely appreciate that you both watched and enjoyed the film we worked to create! Thanks so much, and we wish you the best!!
Great Video. Music was great to me at least. Not everyone like’s listening to mumford and sons when they watch a climbing video. Chalk it up to different tastes, but that’s way too crazy of a concept I guess. Don’t hate the player. Hate the game.
I hate both the wannabe pro climber game and the wannabe pros who play it.
Why are you so angry dude? Not everyone can be a proclimber. I willing to bet you are not. Just chill out and don’t watch their videos if they’re so offensive.
Please tell us what made you guys go with the nail polish look…it’s bold…and There just has to be something to it…
The one thing that made me quit watching the video is the shaky-ness of the shots. If this video had a toned-down soundtrack (I like rap in climbing movies too, but this was simply not fitting to the climbing), steadier tripod shots, faster cutting, and color correction, this could be okay video to watch. The problem is that you’re trying to make the same problems that everyones seen a million times look special, and the only way to do that is to extend beyond the other videos,however this video falls short in the basics, ie steady shots, color correction, etc. Not trying to put you down, just trying to be realistic.