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Climbers: Alex Manikowski, Brion Voges, Ivo Penchev, Jamie Emerson, John Gass
Areas: Mt. Evans
| Video Source | ClimbingNarc Video Page
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5 stars for big horn sheep, 1 star for dumb step sounds
I agree. Awesome boulders and filming, rubbish music.
My wife and I loved the sheep as well. We listened to it muted but that’s no big deal to me. The cinematography was great throughout.
Am I the only person with bad knees who found the backflip at the beginning cringe worthy?
I just imagined how fun it would be to hike out of LL with broken ankles
maybe i will put some Celine Dion next time to get you psyched
If I hear another dub step song in a climbing video I’m going to quit bouldering
Did you by chance read the recent article on Rock and Ice? It’s about electronic music (dub step) and the effects or lack thereof it has related to listening and climbing ability.
I don’t know what was more predictable, the music or the people complaining about it.
every person has their own preference of music. I cannot satisfy everyone. Instead of complaining about the music(which does not matter to me), you could have said something more like (i don’t like the editing in some part of the movie…) but instead you complain about the most unrelated subject in it. Jealousy kills
No offense but we gave you legitimate feedback– we didn’t like the music, the problem is you don’t take actual feedback well and would rather hear something far less damaging to your ego like “I didn’t like the edit at 5:46” (I didn’t make it that far though).
You have a lot to learn about creating media if the soundtrack is “the most unrelated subject in it”, you do realize audio compromises 50% of what we’re trying to take in? It doesn’t have to please everyone’s musical taste but it could compliment/enhance the footage we’re watching not just be thrown mindlessly over the edit.
Learn to take the actual feedback. trust me I know how hard it is to put time and effort and to put yourself out there creatively but coming back and telling everyone that they are wrong and you are right and calling us jealous is not the right way to handle criticism.
Thanks for the feedback!
Apparently you are getting to excited about this subject. If you would like to show me directions on how to compliment/enhance the footage, maybe we shall meet? I would love to meet such a creative professional like you.
I climb at the DBC in Denver every Tuesday night, would love to hear your solution to the music, not just the negative feedback of it.
Tx bud
Alan The Hater,
First time I’ve commented on anything in the climbing world in months. I just wanted to take a moment to say…
You are one hell of a douchebag, based entirely on what you said above. Fucking badass video made by a climber who also happens to be one badass videographer as well.
Make sure and let us know when you post up your video, because i already have several criticisms….I hate that music in it…do you realize that audio compromises 50% of what we’re trying to take in!
You are wrong, I am right. …redacted by The Narc…
I don’t get notified of followup comments, so email me directly if you want to bitch.
[Reads comment]
1. Ignore
2. Argue in a condescending, passive aggressive, and/or equally disrespectful manner.
“Definitely going with the second option!”
I loved everything about the video! The music is a personal preferance that i happen to enjoy. For nerds like Alan and people who say “rubbish” this videos is just not for you. SO DONT WATCH!! Keep up the good work and play whatever the hell you want in your videos..