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Climbers: Angie Payne, Chelsea Rude, Daniel Woods, Delaney Miller, Dominic LaBarge, Dylan Barks, Giovanni Traversi, Jacquelyn Wu, Josh Levin, Kyra Condie, Matt Hong, Michaela Kiersch, Noah Ridge, Page Brown, Sasha DiGiulian, Tiffany Hensley, Vasya Vorotnikov
Hmm, alright video although it kinda had a cheesy feel to it like a golf match or something. I would’ve liked to see more of the routes and the climbing, to get an idea how the route built up and how well each competitor faired against each other. All the random clips made it seem like a few different routes were being climbed as opposed to one, with no continuity or flow to it. Kinda bland reporting of the facts as opposed to showing the excitement and tension of the comp.
I’m with Jay and I don’t understand the high ratings. The editing in this clip is not safe for epileptics. Not to mention the dub-step-esque music…I can’t stand that wobbly bass crapola.
^….[as always] Yes, we’re thankful for any videos put forth and making critiques doesn’t nullify this fact.
Thanks LT11 for providing a video from SCS Nats.
I thought the movie was pretty good. It would be nice to get a shot of a competitor completing at least the bulk of the route without edits so that we at least have context for the harder moves towards the top. Otherwise this looks like a bouldering competition at the crux to us. As for the dubstep, I love the shit, but I understand it’s somewhat irritating to most people…
thanks to LT11, but it is way too busy. i get trying to make climbing comp vids more exciting, but as another said, high epileptic fit potential.
I had no idea what was happening this entire video. I want to see how the comp went down, not an editing and graphics wankfest. Let the footage do the talking.
I agree with many of the other posters here. A deep thanks goes to LT11 for putting in the work to film the comp for us, but it seems there are some lessons learned for next time.
First off, we definitely need to see more continuous climbing and not just a few snap shots of each climber at the crux. The footage made it difficult to discern where the climbers were on the wall when they kicked off. Also it would be nice to see what kind of moves were set more towards the bottom to give us a feel for the entire route. Its nice to see people actually climbing and not just falling the entire time.
Second, I’m not sure how everyone else feels, but I’m not a fan of the spotlight thing. In my opinion it really takes away from the experience by not being able to visualize the entire route while watching the climber.
I couldn’t even finish this video, the editing makes me nauseous. Props to LT11 for covering the event but this is a totally incoherent assembly of people falling. So disappointing!
While I still liked many parts of this video I agree that there wasn’t much climbing shown. The best way to showcase a lead comp is this way imo (see link):
First of all, yall have to admit that LT11 has done a WAY better job at summarizing a comp than any previous effort. Sure, there will inherently be things that can be improved upon (read: showing at least one person climbing from ground to fall), but having a competent commentator (no offense female Alex Johnson), visually appealing graphics, great editing, and a semi-comprehensible flow is a giant leap forward at presenting our sport to a wider viewing audience. I hope that this trend of professionalism continues not only in highlight reels but can be applied to providing a live stream sometime soon.
It was a highlight reel and some interviews to give you a glimpse of what the comp was like. I don’t think it was intended on documenting the entirety of the event whatsoever.