Problems Archives: Lucifer (5.14c)
Rockstar Watch At The Red River Gorge: Chris Sharma Sends 2 5.14s, 5.15 On The Horizon??

Rockstar Watch At The Red River Gorge: Chris Sharma Sends 2 5.14s, 5.15 On The Horizon??

When Nate called me last weekend to let me know he saw Chris Sharma down at Kentucky’s Red River Gorge, I knew it wouldn’t be long before the news of hard sends started to trickle out.

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News & Notes – 3/5/2007

As I noted in my review of the “climbing” movie Specimen, the movie is not that great. Turns out Rock & Ice was even less generous in their latest issue. They give the movie 1.5 Stars out of a possible 5 The aforementioned new issue of Rock & Ice has a brief write-up about Mike […]

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