Jeremy Collins has long been one of my favorite artists in the outdoor world.
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In fact, Mrs. Narc and I have a print of his hanging over our fireplace, and it’s one of my favorite things we own.
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Collins’ latest project is DRAWN, a Kickstarter-backed project to release a book and a film about four trips he went on:
Over the course of four years, with my wife’s blessing, I set out on all four of the journeys; from the jungles of Venezuela, to the China-Mongolian Border, to the northern reaches of Canada, and closer to home in Yosemite Valley.
Each journey had a deep personal story for me, from the death of a friend, to the celebration of life, the love of my children, and the struggle of a tribe. I made many new friends, and their story became mine. I painted a schoolhouse in Yunek Village with the children and installed solar power for their emergency radio. I built a staircase in the Yukon to pay for a helicopter ride. I said farewell to a friend by releasing his ashes on each summit.
Along the way I filled five sketchbooks with art drawn from the experience. These journals are what inspire the story. These journals are what comprise the book.
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The project just reached its funding goal over the weekend, but it’s not too late for you to get in on the project over at its Kickstarter page.