Since there was a fair bit of bad news from Yosemite this season it’s nice to see this bonus El Cap Report detail the successful rescue of a climber off of the Leaning Tower:
It started with a call from a solo climber, who fell on the West Face Route. He injured his lower back and didn’t feel he could make the overhanging rappels to the deck. YOSAR swung into action early in the morning.
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Thanks, as always, to Ansel Tom Evans for his reports from the Valley once again this season.
Fascinating study being done by Roger Putnam on the different types of granite that make up the most famous granite formation in the world:
To get a more complete and detailed picture, Putnam spent six weeks doing fieldwork on El Capitan, in May and June of last year. During that time he climbed the entire face three times and rappelled all the way down twice. He also climbed numerous shorter routes, always working with an experienced climber as partner.
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Since I’ve only been posting bad news out of Yosemite, it seems like now would be a good time to post about something good like this new free route on Liberty Cap established by Lucho River and Cedar Wright:
Lucho Rivera and Cedar Wright have completed the first all-free ascent of the southwest face of Liberty Cap above Yosemite Valley. The two men redpointed the 16-pitch route, tentatively called Mahtah (the Native American name for Liberty Cap), on May 31, with Wright leading the majority of the crux pitches and Rivera following free.
Chris Van Leuven, in an excellent account of the accident that killed Mason Robinson on El Cap’s Muir Wall a few weeks ago:
Mason Robinson attended Columbia Falls High School and was on the cross-country team. He grew up exploring the mountains and rocks surrounding his home and became an experienced rock and ice climber.
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He was known for having robust lungs, which helped him link up multiple peaks in a day. He also sang and played the banjo.
Powerful photos from Cheyne Lempe.
More bad news from the flanks of El Capitan:
A twenty eight year old climber died in a rock climbing accident on El Capitan in Yosemite National Park yesterday afternoon, Sunday, June 2, 2013. Felix Joseph Kiernan, from London, England, was climbing on the East Buttress of El Capitan, a popular climbing route in Yosemite Valley, when he was struck by a rock.
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Stay safe out there everyone.
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