Video of Paul Robinson’s 2007 FA of the sit start to The Mandala Direct (V14).

Video: Paul Robinson Mandala Direct Assis (V14) First Ascent

Alex Puccio Does FFA Of A Maze Of Death (V12)
Alex Puccio does the FFA of another V12.

Video: Paul Robinson Sending Direction (V13)
Here’s another video from Paul Robinson. This time it is footage from his send of Direction (V13) at the Buttermilks outside of Bishop, CA. You can see video of Paul sending A Maze Of Death here. [media id=2 width=540 height=360]

Video: Paul Robinson Sending “A Maze Of Death” (V12)
Video of Paul Robinson sending “A Maze Of Death” (V12) in Bishop, CA
![Happy Boulders: Hulk [Ego Crush]](
Happy Boulders: Hulk [Ego Crush]
To conclude this series of posts, let me recount one of my more unpleasant experiences during my trip to Bishop. One of the more well known moderate lines at the Happy Boulders is Hulk. The Dr. Topo guide gave it V6, but I have seen it other places as low as V4. Why is this important? Because I got totally shutdown, that’s why.
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Buttermilks: Soulslinger
Soulslinger. One of the Buttermilks’s most iconic problems. At V9 it is tops on the ticklist of many who aspire to climb hard problems, but cannot pull down on double digit testpieces like The Mandala (V12) or Stained Glass (V10). Like many of the problems at the Buttermilks, it has a convenient boulder adjacent to it that gets you in perfect position to take killer top-down photos.
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Buttermilks: Cave Problem
During my 2006 trip to Bishop, I spent a lot of rest time running around and fondling holds of testpieces like The Mandala. Who hasn’t? However, I couldn’t spend the hole trip mimicking sequences I would never need to know so eventually I had to climb. When I was done molesting the “holds” on The Buttermilker, made famous by Dave Graham in Dosage 1, I walked 10 feet up the hill to try Cave Problem (V4/5/6?).
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Jared: Use to visit this site daily. Miss you Narc! Hope ...
chris marcolini: Did you ever find the falling block?...
Nate: The narc lives on, at least as an archive. Miss th...
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- Climbing Controversy: Behind the Decades-Long Conflict Roiling the Sport’s Elite - Swiss Cycles: […] that they didn’t see repeats for decad...
J: Two slings half inch webbing 24 inch sewn slings w...
Animull89: So gnarly that he did that twice...I remember the ...
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