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Giving back to the kids…

It has been somewhat of a slow news week for a bit here.buy elavil online https://buynoprescriptionrxonline.net/dir/elavil.html no prescription As a ravenous consumer of high end climbing information there hasn’t been too much that has blown my mind lately. Hopefully the people that I vicariously climb through will step it up soon… The elbow is feeling […]

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DWS Method

A couple of months back Paul Robinson made the FA of a rad problem called A Wrinkle In Time (V11) at Joe’s Valley, UT. It is named as such because it ascends the boulder above a rather large river. Paul just barely pulled off the FA as the ice was melting beneath him.buy lasix online […]

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Big "E" Update

Summit fever is in full effect again on Everest this year. With 480 ascents last year and well over 200 already this year, Everest is almost turning into your local Colorado 14er…but not quite. The Super Sherpa expedition I had written about earlier seems to have been a success. There is no word on the […]

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Frozen in Time

Frozen in Time

It has been 3 months since I have really been able to climb at all My shoulder feels better, but it still nags me My elbow feels somewhat better, but it still nags me It has been almost 6 months since I have gotten any better at climbing For me climbing breeds optimism I am […]

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News & Notes – 5/14/2007

Big news of last week was Daniel Woods making the 2nd ascent of Suspension of Disbelief (V13 or V14) at Eldorado Canyon, CO. Dave Graham called it V13 but Daniel felt it was harder than any V14 he had done so he proposed upgrading it to V14. Ethan Pringle did the first ascent of Jumbo […]

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Couple of Links

Busy week for once, especially now that I am out of canned posts from 6 year old trips. Here are a few links: M7bouldering.com – New blog on the block – I have a feeling Nic will be making this a blog worth checking out Momentumvm.com – 4th edition is up! I love this site! […]

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Summer 2001 Road Trip: Wild Iris Pt. 2

Summer 2001 Road Trip: Wild Iris Pt. 2

Wild Iris Part 2 Mike Nash climbing Atomic Stetson (.13b/c) Mike climbing on the White Buffalo boulder. An interesting 20-25 foot boulder that has 2 bolts. The anchors were chopped at the time…buy amoxil online https://buynoprescriptionrxxonline.net/dir/amoxil.html no prescription

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