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Sharma & Usobiaga Repeat Andrada 5.15a

Sharma & Usobiaga Repeat Andrada 5.15a

The somewhat elusive (from an online spray observer’s standpoint) Chris Sharma has surfaced in Spain with his recent repeat of Dani Andrada’s 5.15a La Novena Enmienda at Santa Linya. This 175 foot long route connects the first 75 feet of La Novena Puerta (5.14c) with 100 feet of La Enmienda (5.14b). Dani Andrada on La […]

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3rd V13 Flash for James Pearson

3rd V13 Flash for James Pearson

21 year old James Pearson added to his unprecedented list of V13 flashes this past month when he flashed Schules des Lebens in Chironico, Switzerland. In Switzerland to work on Dave Graham’s unrepeated V15 From Dirt Grows the Flowers, Pearson had a great deal of success on several of the “easier” problem he tried. He […]

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Jason Kehl Evilution First Ascent Video

One of the first boulders you encounter upon arriving at the Buttermilks, the Grandpa Peabody boulder towers over climbers as they make their way to more tame endeavors.buy dapoxetine online https://salterlewismd.com/wp-content/languages/new/dapoxetine.html no prescription While many a poser has climbed the obvious line up the overhung west face to the lip and jumped down, very few […]

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May I Check Your Tire Pressure?

Note from the Narc – Please enjoy this guest essay by the newest unofficial member of the Gimp Mode Squad: Mrs. Narc Some five weeks ago, the Climbing Narc and I took our climbing team to a bouldering competition in Illinois. It was suggested that I compete, and being the bouldering fanatic that I am, […]

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Boot of Doom Revisited

Boot of Doom Revisited

Word to the wise:  get a second opinion…

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Little Rock City Video – Red House (V7)

In preparation for the upcoming Triple Crown Bouldering event at Little Rock City/Stone Fort outside of Chattanooga, TN, here is a video of me on Red House from the Spring of 2005. [youtube=http://youtube.com/watch?v=YMrkzDN0-nQ]

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A Few From Governor Dodge

Cold, yet fun day…

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