Upping The Pressure

Upping The Pressure

It’s been many years since I first heard about Dave Graham’s vision for a new website built around his “island” vision.
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 The site has existed in one form or another in private for some time, however for many reasons the project has not reached the light of day…until now…sort of:

Over the years, we’ve failed to execute for one reason or another. Usually that means death for a project like this.
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Miraculously, Dave has managed to keep the interest level and motivation high. From my perspective, new concepts and technology keep rolling in that are seemingly forcing this effort. My (selfish) intention for this post is to up the stakes and catalyze execution.

My selfish intention is that this post highlighting the above post will further up the pressure and help this project see the light of day.  Get it done fellas!

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3 Responses to Upping The Pressure

  1. ktmt April 25, 2012 at 9:57 pm #

    First you were instrumental in him sending his Hueco project, and now this. Those boys are going to owe you big time!

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    • Narc April 26, 2012 at 6:02 am #

      I know. I’m going to be so rich when this is all over.

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  2. Smoot April 27, 2012 at 1:12 am #

    Here’s another piece to the puzzle: http://vimeo.com/30020749 (Clip of Dave talking about “The Island”)

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