Archive | May, 2010
Bouldering World Cup Greifensee Videos

Bouldering World Cup Greifensee Videos

Videos from last weekend’s bouldering World Cup in Greifensee, Switzerland featuring Alex Johnson, Akiyo Noguchi, Kilian Fischhuber and Adam Ondra as they compete in finals and talk about the results afterwards

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Waterworks Fundraiser

Waterworks Fundraiser

Find out how you can help open The Waterworks, a new bouldering area at the Gunks in New York

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El Cap Report Back For Spring/Summer 2010

The El Cap Report, a near daily update on who is climbing what on Yosemite’s El Capitan replete with close-up photos of climbers on the big stone, is back in action for the season.  Check it out at

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Dave Graham Visits Sweden

Dave Graham made a short trip to Sweden last week to give lectures and check out the local climbing scene.
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 During his brief stay he found time to repeat Houdini Assis Left (V13), signalling that a finger injury he had been struggling with might not be as bad as he had feared.  More details and pictures at The Lowdown.

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Battle In The Bubble Results

Battle In The Bubble Results

Two familiar faces come out on top at Boulder’s Battle In The Bubble…

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Alex Johnson Wins Bouldering World Cup In Switzerland

Alex Johnson Wins Bouldering World Cup In Switzerland

American Alex Johnson wins the first bouldering World Cup event of the 2010 season. UPDATED

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The Insiders: A New Short From Big Up Productions

The Insiders: A New Short From Big Up Productions

A new short film from Big Up Productions called “The Insiders” seeks to capture the excitement of indoor climbing

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