Popular Posts & Videos For November 2009

Popular Posts & Videos For November 2009

November was a bit of a slow month here at Climbingnarc.com. It began with me returning from the RRG and leaving for a 10 day trip to Hueco Tanks shortly thereafter. Upon my return, I found myself in a bit of a lackadaisical funk which was capped off by being sick all last week.  Hopefully things will return to normal this month.

That said, here are the most popular posts and video from the past 30 days:

Top Posts

Top Rated Videos

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3 Responses to Popular Posts & Videos For November 2009

  1. Kevin December 1, 2009 at 9:26 am #

    Hope your feeling better narc. I as well am just getting over the double dose of bhroncitus and swine flu at the same time. certainly no fun at all. Im extremely jealous of your visit to Hueco.

    GD Star Rating
    • Narc December 1, 2009 at 9:30 am #

      Clearly you are an imposter “Kevin”. I have seen no evidence of the real Kevin being alive in almost 6 months.

      GD Star Rating
      • Tony December 1, 2009 at 7:29 pm #

        GOT ‘EM!!

        GD Star Rating

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