Archive | December, 2008
Video:  Paul Robinson Mandala Direct Assis (V14) First Ascent

Video: Paul Robinson Mandala Direct Assis (V14) First Ascent

Video of Paul Robinson’s 2007 FA of the sit start to The Mandala Direct (V14).

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Contest:  Win An Access Fund Membership & Prize Pack

Contest: Win An Access Fund Membership & Prize Pack

Thanks to everyone’s continued support of the ads on, it is already time for another donation to a climbing access cause. Given that it has been a long time since I have given anything away I thought that now would be a good time to combine the two. Read on to see how you can win a prize pack valued at over $100 and at the same time support a great cause in the Access Fund!

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Sandstone Violence

Sandstone Violence

Over the past month, as Fall conditions have finally arrived here in Wisconsin, I have been slowly working my way through some of the harder problems at Governor Dodge in an attempt to get some fitness back.  The end goal has been to repeat the classic problem Sandstone Violence (V8).  I have been wanting to […]

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Organic Bouldering Mats After Thanksgiving Sale

Organic Bouldering Mats After Thanksgiving Sale

Organic Bouldering Mats after Thanksgiving sale can save you roughly 20%!

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Alex Puccio Does FFA Of A Maze Of Death (V12)

Alex Puccio Does FFA Of A Maze Of Death (V12)

Alex Puccio does the FFA of another V12.

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