Archive | July, 2008

Somebody Do Me This Favor

Please bring the Rocklands area of South Africa into the 21st century and give them some high speed internet access???  How else will we follow the sendtrain that is Paul Robinson and Daniel Woods??  I’m supposed to wait until the end of July for updates???

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Rachel & Eddie El Cap Nose Report

Rachel & Eddie El Cap Nose Report

Not to turn this site into a Rachel and Eddie love-fest, but if you wanted to see some of their progress on The Nose of El Capitan be sure to check out the daily El Cap reports at the Super Topo Forum.  Here is the report from their progress on 7/1: I heard from a […]

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More From Yosemite

More From Yosemite

This week’s Yosemite update includes David (broken heel and all) and Rachel climbing on Separate Reality, Eddie climbing on Tales of Power (5.12b), a trip to the Mariposa Grove and an insane rope swing.

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