Loving all these Beautiful problems with Buck65 names (from dirt grow the flowers, blood of a young wolf). Is Roses also a Dave Graham problem, are has the theme spread?
Also, “Memory is Parallax.” Not sure if it was Graham or Kinder who put Roses up. Kinder definitely established its neighbor “Something from Nothing” (now V11).
Finally! Some jammin music!
Nice send! That problem looks so sweet! Awesome music selection!
Loving all these Beautiful problems with Buck65 names (from dirt grow the flowers, blood of a young wolf). Is Roses also a Dave Graham problem, are has the theme spread?
Also, “Memory is Parallax.” Not sure if it was Graham or Kinder who put Roses up. Kinder definitely established its neighbor “Something from Nothing” (now V11).
Thanks JP! Great beats, great boulders!