In case we needed more evidence that Alex Megos is one of the top climbers in history, over the weekend he repeated Chris Sharma’s Biographie (5.15a) in just one day.
Footage of Jonathan Siegrist on Biographie
Sean McColl, writing on his blog:
I knew before this weekend started that it was going to be one of the hardest I’d ever have to endure. To compete in 3 disciplines in one weekend is exhausting.
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I’ve done it 4 times before, but never in 3 days. Every other time I’ve done 3 disciplines, there’s been a rest day somewhere in the middle; here there was none. A lot of people wonder why I compete in all 3, if I don’t worry about being tired.
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Honestly, it’s because I love the challenge.
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Why shouldn’t I be able to do it?
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