Before I get too ahead of myself I should probably at least say a little about what my whole point here is.
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It basically comes down to this: I am obsessed with all facets of rock climbing. Training, sending, not sending, ethics, spraying, reading, discussing, coaching…I spend a lot of time thinking about everything. Normally this would be great but I have 2 problems. My passion for climbing and rampant untreated Narcissism (hence the blog name) leads me to be injured frequently.
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I also have the distinct pleasure of living in a State (WI) with shitty weather half the year and meager hard climbing prospects the rest of the year.
This leads me to my never ending thirst for climbing information, pictures, beta, videos, scorecard spray and what have you.
My hope for this space is to consolidate all the varying climbing information sites into one place where you can come to get the latest in all things climbing without searching through 20 different sites.
Once I recover from my latest moronic, self-inflicted injury and the weather creeps above -20 I also plan on having trip reports/pictures from my semi-frequent trips down south to the Red River Gorge and HP40 (My 2 favorite areas “near” me).
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